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Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 12, 2016

Why is the paleo diet so popular?

 Paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish,...

A paleo diet is a dietary plan based on foods similar to what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era, which dates from approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago.
A paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds -- foods that in the past could be obtained by hunting and gathering. A paleo diet limits foods that became common when farming emerged about 10,000 years ago. These foods include dairy products, legumes and grains.
Other names for a paleo diet include Paleolithic diet, Stone Age diet, hunter-gatherer diet and caveman diet.
The aim of a paleo diet is to return to a way of eating that's more like what early humans ate. The belief is that the human body is better suited to that type of diet than to the modern diet that emerged with farming.
Paleo diet
Farming changed what people ate and established dairy, grains and legumes as additional staples in the human diet. This relatively late and rapid change in diet, according to the hypothesis, outpaced the body's ability to adapt. This mismatch is believed to be a contributing factor to the prevalence of obesity, diabetes and heart disease today.
Why you might follow a paleo diet
You might choose to follow a paleo diet because you:
Want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight Want help planning meals Details of a paleo diet
Recommendations vary among commercial paleo diets, and some diet plans have stricter guidelines than others. In general, paleo diets follow these guidelines.
What to eat Fruits Vegetables Nuts and seeds Lean meats, especially grass-fed animals or wild game Fish, especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna Oils from fruits and nuts, such as olive oil or walnut oil What to avoid Grains, such as wheat, oats and barley Legumes, such as beans, lentils, peanuts and peas Dairy products Refined sugar Salt Potatoes Highly processed foods in general A typical day's menu
Here's a look at what you might eat during a typical day following a paleo diet:
Breakfast. Broiled salmon and cantaloupe. Lunch. Broiled lean pork loin and salad (romaine, carrot, cucumber, tomatoes, walnuts and lemon juice dressing). Dinner. Lean beef sirloin tip roast, steamed broccoli, salad (mixed greens, tomatoes, avocado, onions, almonds and lemon juice dressing) and strawberries for dessert. Snacks. An orange, carrot sticks or celery sticks.
The diet also emphasizes drinking water and being physically active every day.
There is little clinical research on the benefits of paleo diets. A few clinical trials lasting 12 weeks or less have been conducted with small groups of participants.
These trials suggest that a paleo diet may provide some moderate benefits when compared with diets of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, legumes and low-fat dairy products. These moderate benefits may include:
More weight loss Improved glucose tolerance Better blood pressure control Better appetite management
However, longer trials with large groups of people randomly assigned to different diets are needed to understand the long-term, overall health benefits and possible risks of a paleo diet.
Questions about paleo diets
Concerns or questions about the paleo diet include both food selection and the underlying hypothesis.
Dietary concerns
A paleo diet is rich in vegetables, fruits and nuts -- all elements of a healthy diet.
The primary difference between the paleo diet and other healthy diets is the absence of whole grains and legumes, which are considered good sources of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients. Also absent for the diet are dairy products, which are good sources of protein and calcium.
These foods not only are considered healthy but also are generally more affordable and accessible than such foods as wild game, grass-fed animals and nuts. For some people, a paleo diet may be too expensive.
Questions about the paleo diet hypothesis
Researchers have argued that the underlying hypothesis of the paleo diet may oversimplify the story of how humans adapted to changes in diet. Arguments for a more complex understanding of the evolution of human nutritional needs include the following:
Variations in diet based on geography, climate and food availability -- not only the transition to farming -- would also have shaped the evolution of nutritional needs. Archeological research has demonstrated that early human diets may have included wild grains as much as 30,000 years ago -- well before the introduction of farming. Genetic research has shown that notable evolutionary changes continued after the Paleolithic era, including diet-related changes, such as an increase in the number of genes related to the breakdown of dietary starches. The bottom line
A paleo diet may help you lose weight or maintain your weight. It may also have other beneficial health effects. However, there are no long-term clinical studies about the benefits and potential risks of the diet.
You might be able to achieve the same health benefits by getting enough exercise and eating a balanced, healthy diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables.

You can get paleo cook-book here (Link AFF) http://bit.ly/2hz2x4S

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 12, 2016

Cultivating a healthy lifestyle

For the past year, Edward Bryant, director of lending at Northwest Side Community Development Corp., has been cultivating local small businesses by connecting them with financing they need to grow. But he’s spent his whole life cultivating a healthy lifestyle.

Bryant considers his primary hobby to be staying healthy, but that hobby includes a lot of different activities.
Edward Bryant
As a board member of the Fondy Food Center, he’s been actively involved in the Fondy Farmers Market on Fond du Lac Avenue in Milwaukee for the past several years.
“I grew up in Mississippi and my family owned farms,” Bryant said. “We ate from the land, so this whole ‘farm-to-table’ thing wasn’t new for me. For the most part, it was part of my upbringing. But as I got older, I just saw how certain foods were pushed on people that were considered healthy, but might have had negative effects.”
He said he lost both of his parents at a young age due to health conditions he believes may have been cured through better eating habits and healthier lifestyles. So he’s been trying to spread his knowledge of healthy living while maintaining a health-oriented lifestyle himself.
Bryant, who lives in Milwaukee with his wife and three daughters, is a self-described “gym rat” who focuses on bodybuilding and regularly incorporates yoga into his workouts.
“Just start somewhere, even if you start small,” he said of getting healthy. “Even if you walk for five minutes, that’s five minutes more than you have done in the past. Start small and dream big. Start with your physician and read your food labels. There’s definitely a ton of information out there.”

Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 12, 2016

9 reasons why healthy living is so important

Healthy living begins with the choices one makes, and it follows them all the way. Choosing to live healthy is the first step to healthy living.
Life is freely given. Everyone is at liberty to do whatever they need with their lives. However, a healthy body is necessary since; you can’t have all the fun, or enjoy life or even undertake whatever endeavour you need to without feeling well. Enhancing and facilitating your healthy body through healthy living is, therefore, critical. The fitness of the body begins with the food one eats, then translates to exercising to do away with unhealthy fats that accumulate in the body as well as enhance mental development, mental activity and enhanced creativity. It’s, therefore, necessary to watch what you eat and work out now and then to burn calories and keep fit.
1. Minimizes risk of illnesses
Healthy living minimizes the risks of infections and diseases. Eating healthy foods facilitates and boost one's immune system, reducing risks of infections, while working out will minimize the risks of among other diseases, chronic illness such as heart diseases, and depression.
2. Keeps you fit and flexible
Working out enhances flexibility, one is hence safe at all times since you can manoeuvre their way out of a situation when faced with danger, and even be of help to others, say a burning house in case of danger.
3. Increase creativity
Healthy living doesn’t only have a role to play in your health but also in your business undertakings as well. Workouts stimulate the activities of the brain, enhancing productivity and creativity. This not only improves your health status but promotes your productive and profitable endeavours as well.
4. Weight reduction
Even though keeping fit is not necessarily for those losing weight, many have found themselves in the situation and working out helps them burn calories. A well-balanced diet and observation of healthy eating habits help in the maintenance of the achieved and desired body size.
Cultivating a healthy living isn’t easy neither is it something that is achieved overnight. It’s a gradual process that requires a lot of patience as well. Teaching children healthy lifestyle will help them grow to love this kind of life, and they grow to adapt it even as they grow up.
5. The benefits of working out
Working out doesn’t necessarily need always to be going to the gym, lifting heavy weights and doing heavy tasks as well. You need not strain your body, a little exercise a day, twenty to thirty minutes a day or a few minutes in the morning and later in the day is good enough. This will enable your body to adapt to the way of life, and you need not tire every time such that you need to take breaks to recover. The little effort you put on a daily basis, even walking to the office once in a while is good enough for your lifestyle. The exercise facilitates the metabolic functions of the body as well has to burn off extra fat in the body.
6. Reduction of stress and mood enhancement
This varies from a person to another, the degree of anger also being different from one person to another. Working out helps you focus your energy somewhere; in this case in the workout, in so doing, you get rid of the anger and stress and gain your positive energy once again hence keeping healthy
Healthy food

7. Yoga
This is another form of enhancing a healthy lifestyle. Different poses are used in yoga, enhancing one's concentration, flexibility as well as enhancing mental activities. All this promote a better and healthy lifestyle. Different possess are there and applicable to people of all ages, be it young or elders. They are also quite comfortable and a good health boost even to the sick.
It can also be performed at different times and at different room temperature to enhance your experience. Some of the significance of yoga include:
- Improving concentration
Yoga involves a lot of concentration so that you are not left behind as people proceed to the next posture and also to feel the full effect of the pose. This is translated in the daily living facilitating better concentration in all activities one undertakes. It’s of importance to kids since they concentrate better in school as well.
- Enhance positive thinking
Yoga enables you to concentrate on channelling positive energy and getting rid of all negative energy that may intoxicate your mind. His results in a lot of productive results in the future as you gain the strength to say yes to the positive thoughts always.
- Weight loss
This can act as a mode of reducing body fat hence enhancing your health. In as far as it’s more of concentration, the different body movement as you move from one posture to another, is a form of exercise and helps burn calories as well.
Reduces body pain, through the release of hormones that deal with pain in case it arises, it also enhances flexibility through the various poses applicable.
Other ways of healthy living
8. Eating a well-balanced diet
This incorporates foods rich in carbohydrates that enable the body to gain energy, protein to repair the worn out tissues, vitamins; play a vital role in enhancing immunity as well as providing different nutrients required by the body. Fruits should also be a part of the diet.
9. Water
This is essential in all body metabolisms. All functions in the body require water to run effectively. Taking adequate water, therefore, will facilitate the proper functioning of the body systems as well as hydrate body cells and replacing of lost fluids.
Healthy living begins with the choices one makes, and it follows them all the way. Choosing to live healthy is the first step to healthy living. Then follows the step you take and the effort you put in enhancing the lifestyle. Choose to live healthy, not always shifting from healthy eating habits, and exercising to poor living habits. Adopting the lifestyle as a family or as a group of friends will also keep you motivate as you always keep each other in check and stick to strict procedure until it becomes a routine.